Baby Massage

Baby Massage is a wonderful way to spend time enjoying your new baby and deepening your bond. Nurturing touch has been proved to have a significant positive and lasting effect on babies. On my five week course you will learn how to massage your baby from head to toe. You will also learn a separate short tummy routine that can give very effective relief for discomforts like wind, constipation and colic. Baby massage can be very soothing for both baby and parent alike and when practiced regularly can help babies regulate their sleeping patterns. My Baby Massage classes are suitable from 2  weeks old to approx 6 months.

These classes are completely baby-led and you are free to feed, change and sooth your baby as required. All massage strokes are repeated at least once during the course and instruction manuals are provided to help and encourage you to practice the massage techniques at home.

Each class ends with tea/coffee, homemade treats and a chat. Many parents find it is a great way to meet other new parents in their area.

I can also provide private one to one or small group baby massage sessions in your own home anywhere in North Dublin, North Co. Dublin or Meath.

* Stretch It Yoga Baby Massage classes are certified with the International Association of Infant Massage and as such most Irish Health Insurance policies will cover up to €100 of the cost of the course. A discount is available to those with no health insurance cover.

For more information on IAIM see

 Baby Massage is on Thursday mornings in Baldoyle Community Centre at 1030-1130am & Friday mornings in The Junction, Clongriffin, D13. Go to the book now section to find out the dates of the next course.

If you have health insurance you may be able to claim some or all of the cost of the course back. Please check with your health insurance provider in advance.

Promotes bonding
Promotes secure attachment
Verbal and non/verbal communication
One to one quality time – undivided attention
Using the senses
Nurturing touch

Stimulation of:
Circulatory, digestive, hormonal, immune, lymphatic, respiratory systems
Muscular development and tone
Sensory integration
Mind/body awareness

Relief – can help with:
Gas and colic
Gastrointestinal cramps
Muscular tension
Sensitivity to touch
Physical and psychological tension
Softening of the skin

Improved sleep patterns
Increased flexibility
Increased environmental coping mechanisms
Regulation of behavioral states
Improved ability to calm oneself (self-regulation)
Reduction of stress levels and stress hormones
Higher levels of anti stress hormones like Oxytocin and Seretonin
Less hypersensitivity and hyperactivity

Better understanding of your baby
Reading and respecting cues
Promotion of bonding
Promotion of secure attachment
Quality time with baby
Decrease of stress hormones
Increase of relaxation hormones
Improved sleep
Stimulates lactation for BF mums
Decrease in Post Natal Depression
Meeting other parents – social aspect

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